Nancy Watson, a native of Wilkes County, grew up with a love of music. As her children grew she became more and more involved with local theatrical and musical events. Her experiences with the Walker Center, a 1,200 seat auditorium, MerleFest ad Singing in the Foothills prepared her for the difficult task of overseeing a new musical endeavor, the “Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame”. With an expression of gratitude, the committee recognizes and thanks her for her leadership, as their dream became a reality.

Nancy Watson

Nancy Watson, a native of Wilkes County, grew up with a love of music.  As her children grew she became more and more involved with local theatrical and musical events.  Her experiences with the Walker Center, a 1200 seat auditorium, MerleFest and Singing in the Foothills prepared her for the difficult task of overseeing a new musical endeavor, the Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame.  With an expression of gratitude, the committee recognizes and thanks her for her leadership, as their dream became a reality.

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